Rufus Longbottom and the Space Rabbit


When Space Rabbit’s planet is destroyed by a meteorite she and her family escape in the nick of time. But a blast separates her space pod from the others, sending her hurtling towards Earth, where she lands outside the Tandaria Carehome, frightened and alone. Inside is Rufus Longbottom, an old gentleman itching for one last adventure. Following a space signal, the unlikely pair go on a journey in the search for a family and a place to call home.

Developed from the characters and storylines of Key Stage 2 children in Derbyshire, Oxfordshire and East London, Rufus Longbottom and the Space Rabbit toured for three weeks in Spring 2018, supported by Arts Council England and Garfield Weston Foundation.

What our audiences said:

‘Utterly charming’.  ‘Amazingly extraordinary and Rabbitastic’ ‘I really liked the story’

‘Lovely Saturday morning watching the magical @filamenttheatrerufuslongbottomandthe space rabbit – sublime a capella and so many uses for paper plates! Wonderful whether you are 6 or 60.’

The cast for this tour were: Joshua Considine, Claire Greenway, Jonathan Andrew Hume, Lula Mebrahtu and Simon Prag

We would like to give a huge shout out to our supporters on crowdfunder: Wendy and Richard Johnson, Mike Henry, Catherine and Nick, Sophie E, Sterre, Ali Hartley, Bordoli, Siobhan Casson, Alicia Mmm, Rathi Kumar, Nikki Rogers, Michelle, Carole Scott, Frances Ter-berg, Fiona Banner, Omar Peracha, Claire Shovelton, David Cumming and others who wish to remain anonymous!


Alison Hartley has created a storyboard for the show which you can download here.

Download this storyboard as a pdf